The Psychogram, from the Neuropsychology Of Achievement.

1 min readSep 27, 2020

During the days of the Soviet Union, the Russian educational system had a technique to bring up successful generations.

Early in life children were tested by their physical, psychological, physiological, and intellectual characteristics.

These characteristics are then analyzed and Profiled into a document called Psychogram. A child’s psychoram is entered into a computer.

The computer then matches it, with a Soviet Model of achievement. A Soviet citizen who had accomplished distinction and preeminence, for his/her abilities and achievements.

Once a child’s psychogram matches a Model. He is sent to a Soviet Training Center. Where he studies in detail the models; habits, attitudes, lifestyle, and thinking patterns.

The children are led to believe that they are the model itself and they are told to think and feel, the way the model would think and feel.

After some time under this training. The children demonstrated incredible abilities in the discipline they were chosen for. Whether it’s athletics, art, music, or science.

The system was so effective that the trained children surpassed in a matter of Performance the model chosen for them. That demonstrates once again the effectiveness of emulating successful people.




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